Oé wines are found in more and more points of sale near you, and today we wanted to introduce you to our BeeVrac partners !

What was the trigger for the creation of the grocery store? What's the story?
"In full questioning at the professional level, I took advantage of a conventional break to invest myself fully at the associative level with the "Zéro déchet Strasbourg" antenna, I discovered an approach that I had started to take. instinctively but it was possible to go much further. It is possible to act at different levels, which the association does, but we tend to get discouraged when we do not see an effect quickly following our actions, Typically, lobbying actions at the level of municipalities and politicians, large private groups, take a long time to set up, and the results, if any, are not immediate. consumption, the effects are super fast and rewarding, even if it's less impacting at the global level, and then it's a question of consistency, how to ask large groups to change, the system to change if we ourselves are not ready to change our habits? So I changed mine out of conviction, but that required quite a lot of constraint because there was no adequate store in my neighborhood (Cronenbourg), and since I wanted to change jobs anyway to find more meaning, I I said to myself that it was time to create the store that I wanted to have in my neighborhood."
Why organic? What are your commitments?
"Organic seemed obvious to me, I choose bulk and zero waste out of ecological concern, the idea being to reduce our impact on the planet by reducing our waste. So for me it doesn't make sense if we does it by remaining on industrial conventional agriculture, even if it is local. Indeed, this encourages the existing system which is to want to exploit our lands more and more, by destroying it, it is even worse if it is done next to us. Be careful, I also understand the young operators who do a crazy job, very coherent but who do not yet have the means to be certified. Simply if I can go and check on the spot, for the consumer the only guarantee remains the label."
For you, what is a good wine? And what is your favorite wine?
"My taste changes over the years, I come from Alsace so at the beginning I really liked (and especially) sweet white wines from Alsace, much easier to access for a beginner palate but today I like red wines that we drink with pleasure even without anything on the side. I don't have the vocabulary, oenology is quite an art, but I let myself be surprised, I really like red Corbières (I'm waiting looking forward to a proposal at Oé), the rather fruity reds, in the range of Oé I really like Languedoc!"
Why did you choose Oé organic wines?
"We're not a wine merchant, we're not a specialist, but we do offer general food and it's true that we were told a few times that all we needed was wine! Only I wanted to stay consistent and stay on deposit or bulk . However, bulk for wine means boxes, not necessarily synonymous with quality for the consumer and I had not found a deposit. And one day Oé came to me! Not only is the approach totally consistent with my vision and my commitments but in addition being specialized they do the work of selecting and finding the best partners that I am not able to do on my scale."
What is your long term vision?
"I am delighted to see that bulk grocery stores are popping up everywhere, and with them mentalities! I remain convinced that if many of us take small steps, this can have big consequences, even if today we have to take giant leap to hope for a livable future for generations to come. For BeeVrac I already dream of expanding, every day we would like to add new products, all more interesting, the market is extremely dynamic and actors, more or less large , offer more and more solutions that generate less waste. It's very stimulating but we are limited in places so we have to make choices all the time, and assume them. But I would like to be able to offer all the essentials in the same place , that customers no longer need to go to several stores. Today we have been in existence for 3 years, so we allow ourselves time to evolve as we go."
What is the thing you are most proud of?
"I created my store on my own, and as a young woman the obstacles are many, but I am really proud to have arrived there. it is a store in my image and it works, supports 2 people and soon 3 I hope. It allowed me to fulfill myself professionally, to meet wonderful people who are proud of their work, to find meaning in my contribution to society, and since a challenge never comes alone: to accomplish as a young entrepreneur mother!"
Do you also want to meet Marion ? Don't hesitate to drop by to say hello to him in his grocery store. Find all of our Oé points of sale using this map . If your favorite grocery store is not one of them, don't hesitate to tell us, we will do everything to bring Oé near you !