Site map - Oé


Oé is THE brand of committed wine: only organic wines to simply have fun. Your wine box is delivered within 24 hours anywhere in France.

Opening Oé wines means drinking wines from French winemakers, delicious healthy wines for your health and for the planet.

We are proud to offer you the ease of choice and the confidence that pleasure and joy of wine deserve.

Food and wine pairings

The pleasure of wine is first of all moments/wines and it is also food and wine pairings that we enjoy tasting . Once you've spent hours cooking delicious dishes, you appreciate having the perfect wine pairings on your table. There are basic rules to know to match dishes and wines. You can also give free rein to your imagination and choose original food and wine pairings. We let you make your choice and quietly read the advice we have written for you to choose your food and wine pairings .

Discover Oé's advice for pairing these dishes and wines

Food/wine pairings

For your events, birthdays, weddings or occasions of all kinds, Oé can advise you on your food and wine pairings. Write to us at to define your needs and desires.

Buy champagne for your parties

Regions and appellations

When choosing these food and wine pairings, we take the time to look at the different regions and the different appellations. This helps us know which wine will go best with the dish.

France displays an image of the country of wine par excellence with a large number of regions and appellations. The French vineyard has more than 3000 different wines for almost all of 400 different appellations. France has a wealth of terroirs, appellations and grape varieties as well as a wide variety of soils and climates which give its wines special characters. We invite you to discover the wines of Alsace , Beaujolais , Bordeaux , Burgundy , Champagne , Côtes de Provence , Crémant du Jura , Hérault , Loire , Lot et Garonne , Savoie , from the Rhone Valley ,

Learn more about the different French regions and appellations

Our beautiful regions

Offer wine

With all the diversity of wine varieties, wine estates, different terroirs, regions and appellations, offering wine has never been easier given the immense choice on the wine market. Gifting wine can quickly become a headache if you are not familiar with it.

Faced with this immense choice, Oé selects for you the best wines that you can offer on all occasions. We give you simple advice to apply to offer wine of choice to the people who are dear to you.

Discover these practical tips for gifting wine
Have organic wine and champagne delivered to your home

Offer wine

Wine guide

There is a lot to know about wine, it is a product of trust and passion. It is not easy to find your way around and make your choice of wines in a large department without having a wine guide at hand.

Discover in this wine guide how wines are classified and also how they are produced. At the end of this wine guide, it will then be easier for you to choose your wine from all the choices offered.

Read this wine guide

The wine guide

The different grape varieties

When you choose to buy a bottle of wine, whether to treat yourself or to offer, its label gives you the main key information and clues about the type of wine and its aromas. One of these pieces of information is the grape variety(ies) used .

The grape variety is the basis of each type of wine and it is a key clue to know the variety of grapes that have been produced. There are white grape varieties and black grape varieties.

To learn more about the grape variety, what is it, how do we distinguish the different grape varieties and what are their characteristics, this article on grape varieties will answer all your questions.

Discover the main grape varieties

good grapes

The colors of wine

The dress and therefore the color says a lot about the wine that we are going to taste. Even if you haven't yet gone to the tasting, you can already have an opinion of the flavors that the wine will release thanks to its color. In the following articles, we will tell you about the color of red wine , the color of white wine and rosé wine .

One can wonder what gives the color of the wine. This article will answer that question and also give you the different colors of wine that exist.

Find out what gives organic red wine its color

Moments of sharing around wine

Organic wine

Oé offers organic, vegan and zero pesticide wines. But what is organic wine? Here is a simple definition of organic wine: it is a wine whose grape cultivation has been carried out using products of vegetable, animal or mineral origin.

The organic figure almost tripled between 2010 and 2017 ( source, Les Echos ). Demand for organic is no longer just about food, but increasingly about organic wine. The demand for organic wine continues to increase!

Discover the precise definition of organic wine

Our organic wines

biodynamic wine

Beyond organic viticulture, some winegrowers push the envelope further by practicing biodynamics. To find out more, discover this article on the subject: biodynamics in the vineyards .

Buy your organic and biodynamic wines with confidence thanks to our guide


Which wine for which dish? How to choose the wine according to the dish?

wine tips

Festive wines