La consigne et le réemploi des bouteilles en verre : pourquoi on doit tous s’y mettre !

The deposit and the reuse of glass bottles: why we all have to get started!

Put back the instruction? It must be said, we had to brave a few mountains to get there, but it was worth it when you see the enthusiasm that this project arouses with you, with our community. Now that we are launched, we want to teach you more about the subject and make you aware of rediscovering the reflex of more sustainable consumption.

Reusing bottles: how does it work?

The returnable bottle is washed and reused to go back into the circuit. When we talk about deposit, we are talking about the price allocated to the container. These are the 50 cents (this can be more or less depending on the type of bottle) that you get back once the bottle is brought back to the point of sale. When we talk about reuse, it means that the bottle is reused (washing and reconditioning) instead of being recycled (broken then remanufactured), and therefore enters into a circular economy. Our Oé bottles come from the deposit as much as possible and are reused to offer you new cuvées.

reuse of Oé wine bottles

How it works ? 

  1. Buy an Oé bottle from one of our partner merchants (find all our points of sale here ) with an additional cost of 50 cents
  2. Open and taste the bottle well accompanied. Once finished, do not forget to rinse it with water so that the liquid does not stick to the bottom.
  3. Store the empty bottle, clean and sheltered from the sun at home
  4. Bring your bottles back to your retailer who will store them in a locker before our partner Rebooteille comes to collect all the returnable bottles.
  5. Recover the 50 cents deposit per bottle

Once all the lockers in the store are filled, the retailer asks one of our local partners who takes care of a bottle collection tour with the aim of optimizing the journey and reducing carbon emissions.

Washing is done at My bottle is called Revient for bottles collected in the Lyon region.

There are 5 players in the reuse loop: the producer of glass bottles (from the deposit or new which can then be reused), our bottler and us, your favorite points of sale in France and you, our collection partner bottles ( Rebooteille sur Lyon), our washing partner (Ma Bouteille is called Revient sur Lyon), and again us, Oé, to rebottle and start the loop again.

In a few figures it gives this: 

Bottle reuse figures

By reusing the bottles, it saves 33% of water compared to a new manufactured bottle, reduces the energy consumed by 76% and emits 79% less greenhouse gases .

Source: Devroche Consultants study, 2009 and Rebooteille

The advantages of deposit and bottle reuse

The deposit has existed since the 1800s. Generally, it was often our elders who showed us how to recover the few cents of the deposit in exchange for the bottle brought back. With recycling, the deposit is a practice that has fallen into oblivion and which, however, by coming back into fashion, makes it possible to:

  • Reduce glass waste and production-related water and energy consumption,
  • Create local jobs,
  • Support short circuits and encourage/encourage consumers to take good care of their waste.

The bottle reuse project of one of our partners

With the team, we have now been working for a few months with the company Rebooteille , which is our Rhône, Loire and Ain partner concerning the reuse of our bottles in these territories. Their deposit and glass bottle reuse project is now more than 2 years old. They began to pilot the implementation of the deposit, collection and washing since March 2020.

We were surprised at the complexity of recreating this forgotten virtuous practice. Indeed, it was necessary to recreate a sector from scratch, convince, train and draw inspiration from each link in the reuse chain whose commitment and skills ensure the success of the project. Thus we have reinvented a deposit, more local and on a human scale that maximizes environmental and social gains. ” tells us Bastien, co-leader of the Rebooteille project.

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