You know them, you have to! Le Chocolat des Français , this beautiful committed brand that offers Made in France chocolate and always highlighting great artists 👏🏻 For corporate gifts and end-of-year gifts, the Oé team collaborates with these delicious gourmands and the Superproducteur brand to offer very tempting gift boxes !

Hello Paul-Henri, can you tell us about Chocolat des Français?
“With 2 friends, Matthieu and Vincent, we created Le Chocolat des Français at the end of 2014 with the idea of dusting off the world of traditional chocolate by bringing a good dose of color and creativity. Thus, the cases of all our chocolates, made from natural and organic ingredients, are imagined and signed by artists from the world of comics, Street-Art, illustration... We have collaborated in total with more of 700 artists . The team now has 20 gourmets !”
With which artist did you have the biggest crush for your chocolate bars?
“I am particularly proud of our 100% French bean chocolate bar project. We have worked for 5 years with a Guyanese actor and the ARAG association to relaunch cocoa cultivation in French overseas territories. We then collaborated with the talented Charlotte Molas to imagine a superb setting.”
To chew here in a very very limited series
Why highlight artists on each tablet?
“At Le Chocolat des Français , the packaging is equal to the chocolate. It is the association of the two, the good and the beautiful , which defines our identity. It is therefore normal to highlight the artist. It also allows customers who have appreciated the artist's work to discover his work :)”
Do you have an anecdote to tell us about the beginnings of the Chocoteam?
“We had been working on our project for 6 months already and I had taken it into my head to get my driving license because I was soon to be 30 and I felt it was now or never.
During coding lessons, I sympathize with a young woman who, like me, was a little out of place among young teenagers. After 5 minutes, I discover that she works at the Salon du Chocolat . I show him our project and explain to him that we obviously don't have the means to take a stand. A week later they finally offered us an amazing location. We launched our brand there and met our very first distributors, the adventure was launched!”
Is it possible to produce chocolate in harmony with nature? What labels exist?
“Cocoa cultivation is a complex subject but we do not believe in fate. Many countries, particularly in South America, have evolved their methods over the past 15 years. There are many labels such as AB for organic farming but also FSC for the production of packaging.”
What are your daily commitments for the planet?
“We are far from perfect and there is still a lot to do, but we try to do a little more in this direction every day.
- Our range is 90% ORGANIC and will be 100% ORGANIC by the end of the year
- Since the creation of French chocolate, we have always excluded palm oil from our recipes and only work with 100% natural ingredients.
- We regularly collaborate with ESATs , structures that offer people with disabilities a professional activity.
- To fight against food waste, we have established a partnership with “ Les restos du coeur ” to whom we donate our end-of-life products.”
What is the thing you are most proud of?
“Our shock team without a doubt!”
Do you want to offer gift boxes to your partners and collaborators? Write to us at!