Raisins de Plus : découvrez le 1er bar à vin vegan de France à Bordeaux

Raisins de Plus: discover the 1st vegan wine bar in France in Bordeaux

Spring has signed its return three months ago now for our greatest happiness, and those who come back with a fanfare at the moment, give us even more potato. You found ? But yes, these are the terraces of course! To celebrate, let's talk about Raisin de Plus , a good vegan wine bar !

Does a vegan wine bar exist?

Yes, Raisin de Plus is the first vegan wine bar in France! Stay with us because this Bordeaux bar brings everyone together, carnivores , vegetarians and vegans !

What is a vegan wine?

We have written several articles on this subject and if you are interested in knowing vegan wines in detail, head to this article. If not to explain to you roughly, the fundamental difference between a non-vegan wine and a vegan wine is that the latter is without any animal input . Yes, because even if the grape is the basis of this sweet beverage, to vinify it, it is sometimes necessary to add a few additives , especially during fining .

Fining is a step in winemaking that serves to clarify the wine . To fin wine, many winemakers use fish glue , egg white or casein present in milk. And it is this substance that will be used to filter the wine . To produce vegan wine, winegrowers use vegetable proteins (eg peas or potatoes) . They therefore obtain 100% organic vegetal wines , which delight everyone's taste buds.

Thanks to this article, discover the difference between organic wines, biodynamic wines and natural wines

Why drink and eat vegan products?

The question would rather be, why not? Vegan products and vegetarian products allow people who wish to taste dishes and drinks that are not of animal origin, but nothing prevents you from enjoying them if you are a carnivore . So why deprive yourself of it!

As far as the wine is concerned, we assure you, the taste is the same, so at , all our wines are vegan, so they are suitable for everyone. We have lots of positive feedback and we thank you for that!

In the team, we have everything, vegetarians and steak fans , we respect everyone's choices and that doesn't prevent us from having lunch together, quite the contrary. This philosophy is also found at Raisin de Plus and that's what we like. By going to their site , you can discover their story and what led them to set up this project. What we remember is that with a good glass of vegan wine , everyone agrees.

The vegan wine bar: an original idea

Obviously in a bar we like to eat, and above all, we like to drink! Beers, cocktails, wines or water mints: anything goes (have a drink, did you have it?). Finding vegan foods is increasingly common, but vegan wines are more discreet. So congratulations to Capucine, Dorian & Guillaume who put this wine at the center of the table .

team Raisins de Plus

It's no secret that at we like fresh , organic products close to home . It's more respectful of the environment and it allows small local producers to live . We have the impression that these values ​​are shared by the Raisin de Plus team, because at home, we find unique tasting platters and local products . No fuss, no charcuterie but veggie delicacies , here you go!

It's also nice to get off the beaten track, and even for non-vegetarians, discovering new flavors and new textures, it's still nice, isn't it? In any case, we are quite a fan of this original idea which is consistent from the appetizer to the bottle of wine !

Moreover, Raisin de Plus combines the caps since they are also delicatessen and wine cellar . That way, you can leave with your bottles and your favorite dishes to continue the tasting even at home. Yum !

smile and share

What we remember from this original idea of ​​a “ vegan wine bar ” as our English friends say, is that it is above all a place of conviviality where everyone should feel good. Since last year, we've all wanted to get together for a drink to laugh, sing, dance and tell each other stories. And that's really the goal of Raisin de Plus , a bar with a relaxed bistro atmosphere , perfect for team afterworks and even dates after confinement, who knows?

Salivate over the wine list, snack on tapas with friends, savor your glass of wine on the terrace and share cheese platters , did you miss it too? So let's celebrate the progressive return of bars and have a drink!

By the way, speaking of cheese, do you know the vromage ? No no, we didn't do anything wrong. It's vegan cheese . Also called faux-mage , these vegan cheeses with funny names are very similar to dairy cheeses , in appearance, taste and appearance. If you don't believe us, we invite you to test!


The pleasure of an organic and vegan wine at the wine bar

Choose your wine in a vegan wine bar

The sensations that the first sip of wine gives are quite inexplicable. This sweet beverage is unique and yet it exists in several forms. Red wines, white wines, rosé wines, sparkling wines, conventional wines, organic wines, biodynamic wines, natural wines and even vegan wines , the list is long and above all filled with wonders.

Each wine has its subtlety because depending on the grape variety , the terroir , the vintage , the viticulture or the vinification , the aromas of a wine are very different from those of its neighbour. The appellations are made to find your way around and give a name to your memories contained in a bottle. Because yes, wine is a story of memory , emotion , sharing and pleasure . Whether alone or accompanied , there is always a good reason to open a bottle .

On the other hand, for wine lovers , choosing your bottle is sometimes a real headache. That's why at Oé we write lots of articles to familiarize you with the world of oenology and sommellerie in the warmth of your duvet. So cool !

You can also meet winegrowers and wine merchants . These passionate about wine and their profession are wells of knowledge and they will be very happy to share it with you.

Taste your vegan wine

What we love about wine is when it tells us about its journey. When we are among friends in a bar, we exchange anecdotes and bits of life, but then wine, how does it speak to us?

Obviously, unless you're on your fifth drink, you don't start a discussion with the bottle, or you have to consult. On the other hand, by closing your eyes and letting yourself be transported by the aromas of the wine , you can feel the markers of its region . In organic vineyards , independent winegrowers take care of their vines with natural solutions to avoid the chemicals used in conventional viticulture which damage the soil and cause the flavor of the terroir to be lost. During vinification , organic winegrowers also make sure to minimize their impact on the wine, reducing inputs , in particular the level of sulphites . Better for your health, organic wines with low sulfur content allow you to enjoy your drinks at the bar without worrying about the next day . Drink in moderation all the same, he too is thirsty!

Meeting with Capucine, founder of Raisin de Plus

We liked the concept of Raisin de Plus and the spirit of this wine bar so much , that we wanted to know more. Capucine answered us with a smile and explained her journey to get there and offer you, in Bordeaux, the first vegan wine bar !

grape more

How would you describe Raisin de Plus (the bar, the team, the atmosphere, the products, the values…)?

It's sharing good, carefully selected products, sharing vegan culture, sharing good times with customers (blind test, games), and also the pleasure of going to work in a warm place for us.

How did this bar idea come to your mind?

I frequented other wine bars a lot and realized that as a vegan I could almost never share appetizer boards and that this caused frustration for everyone. I then had the desire to create a place that brings everyone together around the same “aperitif”.

What made you take action?

I developed the project in parallel with the IAE's Entrepreneurship Master's where I was coached by speakers and which allowed me to meet my two partners.

Why vegan and local products?

The products are vegan because it corresponds to my convictions vis-à-vis the animal cause and ecology. We choose them mostly local for ecological reasons and especially for the pleasure of knowing our suppliers well and being able to talk about them.

What do you like most about what you do?

I really like the diversity of this work, the opportunity to discuss with suppliers, partners and customers from all walks of life. I especially like to create the tapas offer, the wine selection and then see the reactions of the customers.

What are you most proud of?

I'm proud of all that we were able to build with Guillaume and Dorian, the universe, the decoration, the menu...

How do you imagine the Raisin adventure in the future?

We would like to open several establishments in different French cities

What are you trying to share with your clients?

We try to share with them the taste of wine and culinary discovery by always selecting things that could surprise them.

And you then?

And if not, do you prefer wine by the glass or bottle for everyone ? Tell us on our social networks or at our address hello@oeforgood.com your best anecdotes in a bar.

Treat yourself also at home with our selection of organic wines , produced hand in hand with our Oé winegrowers . Discover our good red wines , white wines and rosé wines from organic farming !

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