L'équipe de La Consigne Bordelaise

Meeting with the Consigne Bordelaise, our partner in Bordeaux

This week, we present to you our deposit partner, La Consigne Bordelaise which operates in Bordeaux , to learn more about the collection and washing of our bottles . And it's Romain, its coordinator and president who explains everything to us, let's go!

The logo of La Consigne Bordelaise

Hello, can you present La Consigne Bordelaise in a few words?

La Consigne Bordelaise is setting up a local sector for the reuse of glass containers (bottles, jars & jars), in the Girondin area. We are working to coordinate the players in this sector , to provide an operational solution, and to promote the interest of reuse among the general public .
We have two mantras:

  • Wash rather than throw away,
  • The bottle is a common good.

Why did you want to ride La Consigne Bordelaise?

The trigger for the project was common sense: we don't break our plate after eating our meal, so why do it with our glass bottles ? We did not invent hot water, we adapt what works in other territories by adapting the recipe there. The association brings together an employee, a civic service as well as about twenty volunteers and we want to change scale. There is a desire to internalize the washing activity and therefore investment, in order to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. Becoming a SCIC (cooperative society of collective interest) is also one of our objectives.

How did you become interested in reusing glass and since when?

The day after a festive event, I wondered about the single-use model by throwing all the glass bottles consumed the day before into the recycling terminal.

The reuse of glass is extremely symbolic, in what it represents. The circular economy is a powerful lever for responding to the environmental challenges we face.

How does the deposit and reuse of bottles work at La Consigne Bordelaise?

The operation is very simple! Our association works jointly with 8 producers (wine, juice, beer) and 14 local traders, respecting conditions of good practice allowing the return of the deposit, grouped in specifications. Producer bottles are marketed in partner shops. The presence of the "Report me" sticker indicates to the customer that the bottle can be reused. After finishing his bottle, the customer will have the opportunity to bring this bottle back to one of the partner shops. The rest, we take care of it!

We take care of collecting the bottles from the merchants, then we mass them to wash them afterwards. Once cleaned, the bottles are returned to the producers and the circle is complete!

La Consigne Bordelaise team

Credit (c): La Consigne Bordelaise

Who collects and washes the bottles?

Producers, volunteers and members of the association collect the bottles to bring them back to our premises in Mérignac.

We regularly organize participatory projects for sorting bottles or washing jars/vials, where each volunteer chooses the time they allocate to the association. These days are very fun and friendly, they allow volunteers to learn more about re -employment while helping us. We offer each volunteer lunch and a tasting of products from our partners.

This is awareness-raising through action with rich discussions on re -employment .

It's the D system that allows us to prepare our change of scale, while federating.

How should consumers return the bottles once tasted?

The customer only has to bring his bottle to one of the partner shops. It must be rinsed, with no element in it.

To know their location, it's here!

What is the positive impact of reusing bottles for the planet?

Compared to its single-use equivalent, a reused bottle is:

  • -33% water,
  • -76% energy,
  • -79% gas emissions.

Which actors do you work with?

As coordinator, the association works with all the stakeholders for the co-development of the reuse sector. Thus, we work together with:

  • The producers: They are the source of the sector. Without them, no reuse ! We make them aware of the reuse of bottles and we support them in their transition to the reuse of their containers.
  • Merchants: These promote their commitment to reuse by selling bottles of wine, juice and beer from our partner producers. We provide them with deposit boxes for the collection of bottles. We go to a store when the boxes are full.
  • Citizens: We make them aware of resource management and the practice of reuse.
  • Local authorities: Bordeaux Métropole has called on the Atis incubator to promote the co-construction of a sector for the reuse of food glass containers, together with the other players in the area's reuse , including BoxEaty and Pic'Verre.


Do you have an anecdote to share with us about La Consigne Bordelaise?

It's been 2 years that we think we will soon buy a bottle washer, but it's not as simple as that! But we feel it, we have never been so close.


If you had to send a message to consumers, what would it be?

By choosing to buy a returnable and local product , you contribute to the reduction of waste and the promotion of short circuits. The locker is easy as pie!

If you want to know more about the Consigne Bordelaise , you can follow them on their facebook and linkedin pages.

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