Created in 2020 by Nicolas Crestin and Tanguy Robert , Sami is the solution to allow each company to do its part for the climate , in a simple, educational and impactful way.
The solution combines a SaaS software tool and coaching to carry out its mission: to democratize the environmental commitment of companies. More than 200 companies use Sami to measure their impact, define and manage an ambitious environmental strategy.
Sami covers the different bricks of the corporate climate strategy : Carbon footprint measurement, emission reduction plan, employee commitment, carbon contribution, communication of commitments.
The software solution makes it possible in particular to simplify and automate the calculations and monitoring of emissions over time. A network of low-carbon partners also enables companies to implement their strategy effectively.
Sami operates in all sectors of activity and more particularly in tech, services, textiles, construction, furniture and even the food industry and has already measured the equivalent of 430,000 tonnes of CO2e (the equivalent of a lot of flying around the world).
Sami has chosen to be exemplary, and in particular has obtained the CSR Positive Workplace label for his social and environmental commitments.
To date, the team is made up of 17 people spread throughout France.
What is a carbon footprint?
The Bilan Carbone is a framed methodology for calculating a company's greenhouse gas emissions. It allows you to calculate the emissions related to your company's activities and to identify ways to reduce these emissions.
This study aims to measure all greenhouse gas emissions , direct and indirect, related to the activities of a company during one year. From digital to local, including purchases and travel, all categories of programs are taken into account.
Before measuring, you must first identify the activities that emit GHGs (Greenhouse Gases), then collect the activity data (example: kWh of electricity, quantities of raw materials purchased, etc.) to be able to convert them into CO2e - the CO2 equivalent is the unit used in the carbon balance . Once each activity has been converted, they are added together to give the total carbon footprint.
The carbon footprint is the first step in a company's climate commitment, and is used to better understand the activities that emit the most greenhouse gases, to know what changes the company must adopt. Generally, after having calculated its carbon footprint, the latter will set up an action plan to be able to reduce it over the following years. For more info
And good news, we just finished ours, here are the results of Oé's carbon footprint in 2021:

Why do a carbon footprint?
The carbon footprint is the first step in a company's commitment. But then why commit to the climate?
- Environment/climate - Between published reports - such as that of the IPCC - and events happening all around the globe, it is everyone's duty to do their part to reduce their emissions and prevent climate change from being too painful for them. all. In addition, through its carbon footprint, a company not only reduces its emissions, it makes its ecosystem (employees, collaborators, customers, etc.) aware of its need. Once the seed is planted, some will take the plunge and plant a seed in the mind of another.
- Employer brand - By committing to the climate, a company will be all the more valued in the eyes of its employees because it will give them the certainty of making a difference on a daily basis. It will also have an easier time hiring new committed nuggets who have just arrived on the job market or diamonds cut by experience in search of meaning.
- Respond to customer requests on environmental issues x - More and more consumers are making the commitment of companies the primary criterion in their purchases. Making its carbon footprint marks an important brick in the company's commitment, customer loyalty and brand image will emerge stronger than ever.
- Regulations - In France, since 2012, companies with more than 500 employees have been required to carry out a carbon assessment , and over time the regulations will become increasingly strict, so you might as well get started today.
- Save money - In some industries this can lead to cost reductions , especially for tech companies where reducing the digital carbon footprint – through web eco-design or the purchase of refurbished equipment – can reduce server infrastructure bills and IT purchases.
For more info Article co-written with Tanguy Robert, co-founder of Sami
What is the difference between offsetting emissions and neutralizing them?
- Carbon offset/contribution
Offsetting your carbon footprint means financing projects to reduce or sequester carbon (conservation of forests, for example) up to your own carbon footprint. Please note , we are not talking about reducing the company's carbon footprint, but about contributing to initiatives outside the company.
We will prioritize the use of the terms “carbon contribution” rather than “carbon offset”. “Carbon offset” gives the idea that you can offset your emissions just by financing a project, when this is not the case. Even if the contribution is very important for the climate, the priority is to reduce its own emissions! We move from a logic of possession of reductions to a logic of contribution to reductions.
There is no rule around the carbon contribution, but a good contribution strategy aims to be able to contribute 10 to 15% of its own emissions over time.
2. Carbon neutrality
Ademe 's conclusion : "Carbon neutrality, also called "net zero" or "net zero emissions" only has a scientific definition at this stage on a planetary scale. The IPCC defines this state as a balance between emissions and absorptions of CO2 on a global scale . To hope to limit the temperature below 1.5°C of warming, it must be reached by 2050."
We speak of neutrality (carbon-neutral company) if the company in question offsets all of its GHG emissions. However, carbon neutrality on this scale does not make sense for different reasons.
- Efficiency argument : the possibility of “offsetting” one's emissions via the purchase of cheap carbon credits makes it economically irrational to implement much more costly reduction actions. Neutrality therefore hides what the company is doing to actually reduce its emissions: it is impossible to distinguish a company having reduced its emissions by 50% and offsetting the rest, from a company having reduced nothing and offsetting 100% of its emissions. Thus, this "neutrality" does not reflect maturity in the climate policies implemented.
- Image argument : From a consumer perspective, the idea of a carbon-neutral business is inherently dubious. For example, a "carbon neutral" flight encourages travelers concerned about their environmental footprint not to worry about reducing their air travel.
Here is a very good example of the National Federation of Aviation and its Trades - the FNAM - which made a superb greenwashing campaign (the comments of the Perle de Greenwashing account on this post are worth the detour)
For more info on carbon offsetting , on the difference between compensation and contribution and on the unlikely concept of carbon neutrality .
👉🏽 If this topic interests you, we wrote an article that focuses on greenwashing related to carbon neutrality.
The key figures of the impact of companies?
- 99.5% of companies in France have between 1 and 5,000 employees. They concentrate 65% of employment and are the source of 30 to 40% of greenhouse gas emissions.
- 77% of French people want companies to commit to an economy that respects the environment
- 65% of consumers buy or boycott a brand based on its commitments
- 51% of employees say they do not want to project themselves into a company that does not make a social or environmental commitment
- 88% of employees believe that the ecological transition is an important subject in their company
- 43% of a company's reputation comes from the CSR dimension
- Less than one in ten companies (9%) believe that they measure their greenhouse gas emissions accurately

The alarming finding of the IPCC
The IPCC 's findings are alarming and human-caused climate change has irreversible consequences. The time when we wondered if the problem was real is long behind us. Now we must take action to limit the damage urgently!
Without forgetting that we know what we have to do. We have the tools. All that's left to do is take action.
For more info “The announcements of carbon neutrality in 2050 have been raining since the Paris agreement. One after the other, the leaders all declare themselves “for ecology”, for a “positive ecology”, with “historic advances and unprecedented announcements” for … 2050.”